My great grand daughter, my great nephew, my great niece. I am so blessed to have you in my life and a future one soon..
As you walk the journey of life, learn the art of kindness and sharing your talent with the world when you learn what that is.
Learn that a person's skin nor religion, nor sexual orientation does not matter. What does matter is if that person is kind to animals.
Your time of times will give you love, sorrows, triumphs, losses, but learn from that.
Join a local United Way Chapter with your parent and work as a team, even at your age
At this writing, you have at least two living great great grandparents on Face Book.
Join an Earthday Foundation and celebrate our Earth as you are our future.
Your education is something no one can take away from you, and lastly
Try new things and if you make mistakes, pull your pants up and try again.
And these three are my three greats,
Thank you God. Amen.